| I would like to dedicate this website to my Grandmother Katherine L. Taylor. In the mid 60's my Grandmother gave me a book about the Taylor family history, written by L Rhea Taylor Jr. "PIONEERS MOSES TAYLOR AND ELIZABETH PREVATTE TAYLOR, SR. OF KENTUCKY AND NORTH CAROLINA. After reading about a great warrior named Taillefer who rode his stead up to the front and demanded of William The Conqueror, "I have long served you, and you owe me for all such service. To-day, so please you, you shall repay it. I ask as my guerdon, and beseech you for it earnestly, that you will allow me to strike the first blow in the battle!'. So started the Battle of Hastings 1066 AD. Taillfer was granted his wish and did indeed draw the first blood and rode over the corps and challenged another.After making a gallant charge he was speared through the chest by the Kings son and as he fell from his horse a cry of woe echoed throughout the Norman ranks. After that I was obsessed on our family history. By His Grace James Whit Taylor III Email James Taylor James@taylorscastle.com SCROLL DOWN |